Friday, October 11, 2013

Radian and Transforming Radian to Degrees

What is Radian?
Just like a degree, radian is used to measure angles.
Radian is the number the radius is in a circle which is 2π= 6.283 (This is true for ALL CIRCLES)
By using a simple equation you can easily turn radian into degrees!
Formula:  2π= r x 360/ degrees
ex. 45° into Radian?
Step 1) Write the equation: 2π= r x 360/ degrees
Step 2) Put given information into equation: 2π= r x 360/ 45°
Step 3) Solve for r: 
2π= r x 360/ 45° (divide 360r/45)
2π= 8r 
2π/8= 8r/8 (divide 8 on both sides)
2π/8= r (simplify answer to get...)
To further understand Radians lets take a look at the Unit Circle...

1) Transform the following radian to degree and degree to radian:
a. 60° 

b. 430°

c. π/10

d. 11π/12

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